Friday, October 3, 2014

Managing the Colorado River through Climate Change

The recent Glen Canyon Dam 50th Anniversary celebration led to some new developments for the Colorado River thanks to the United States Interior Secretary. The Glen Canyon Dam is one of many installations that were set up along the Colorado River and supply large amounts of irrigation and power to the American Northwest. So it also happens to be one of seven places that stakes a claim on what happens to the Colorado Basin as a whole.

The secretary commented during the time that each of the seven states with the Colorado River have to start working together to be able to manage the resource. And she does admit that it isn’t fair since all seven states have places where that water can go, but it has been a few years now that there has just not been enough water for everyone trying to use it. And if they want to make sure the Colorado River survives and thrives so it can be used, then they have to cut back in some places.

Together with the secretary though the Glen Canyon Dam is now working on plans to put into motion for the handling of drought situations and further climate changes that have resulted in more water evaporation straight from the Colorado River basin. Hopefully among those changes, they address just what exactly all this water from the Colorado River is going to. Because as much as people might want golf courses and lawns, when we can’t even get water to people for drinking purposes, it does seem like golf courses won’t be quite as important to maintain.

We now we can only guess on the plans they are proposing to put into action, but we do know for sure that with the Colorado River having so many access points where water is being taken from it, it is definitely the most at risk for suffering from an eternal drought. So we need to take care of it, while we still can!

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